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Notebook and Pen
A Young Woman Writing
Writing by the Water
Taking Notes
Woman Writing


Author of children's works

As a children's Author I have currently self published two children's works. I'm currently writing my first memoir, soon to be available for publication.

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Writing has been a love of mine from my youth, starting strangely enough via a "Dear John Letter." I penned this letter to a young boy at the kitchen table under the watchful eye of my Mother. It was her remark that awakened something in me at that very moment. She said "you write really well". This statement would be the catalyst decades later for the writing assignments or works I would pen.

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March 16, 2015

 I am extremely happy to share my works. My first  children's book was published in 2015. Both books are extremely dear to my heart. My first work Titled:"Upsy Downsy Bella Ballerina", inspired by conversation with my youngest daughter, centered around her kinky curly hair texture. Black hair and styles have always been water cooler and table talk for decades.


Bella, a preschooler has now become aware that her hair doesn't look like her Mama's and her Sister's hair, so she embarks on a quest to make this her reality. Her term for straightened hair is "Down Hair".


My second work was self published in February 2021. This work also captured the attention of local media, a newspaper article was written announcing this latest work entitled  "Mommy Tell Me About When You Were Little". Just like my first work this was also inspired by my youngest daughter however, it was encouraged  for writing and publishing by my Mama. In her loving memory, I share these works with the world!


Both works are available on


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Dare To Lead

Brene' Brown

"When we have the courage to walk into our story and own it, we get to write the ending."

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